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ISS Banking for Santander


Vextrix was appointed by Santander to deliver Principal Designer and CDM advisory services for the refurbishment of their Glasgow offices. Working in collaboration with ISS, the team played a key role in ensuring compliance throughout the project and reported progress to ISS at each stage. 

The Santander headquarters occupy a building made up of three towers connected by stair cores. Due to a reduced need for office space, the refurbishment focused on the unoccupied Tower 3. The works included: 

  • Creating new office space for Santander staff 
  • Separating building services 
  • Installing a new air conditioning system 

The refurbishment of floors 0-4 included: 

  • The addition of meeting rooms 
  • New flooring 
  • Full toilet facility replacements 
  • General redecoration 

Vextrix was engaged during the pre-construction stage, allowing the team to establish a comprehensive plan for CDM compliance and safety from the outset. 

Project Assistance 

Vextrix delivered a full range of CDM compliance services for the project. These services included preparing the Pre-construction Information, reviewing the Construction Phase Plan, and ensuring the Health and Safety File and O&M Manuals were complete and accurate. 

The team also reviewed Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMS) for high-risk activities. This included scaffolding work in risers and roof operations where air handling units were lifted from the top-floor plant room to the roof deck using a pulley system. Additionally, Vextrix conducted health and safety site inspections for the client, delivering detailed reports after each visit. 

The project benefited from well-coordinated work and strong communication among all parties involved. As a result, no significant challenges arose during the project. The team ensured seamless integration with the design team, attending weekly progress meetings either in person or via Microsoft Teams, and consistently reporting on CDM compliance and project updates. 

Extensive Knowledge and Experience 

With over a decade of experience delivering Principal Designer services across various sectors, the team brought extensive knowledge of CDM Regulations and their application. The team provided tailored advice to Santander at each stage of the design and construction programme, ensuring compliance with health and safety standards. 

Our team of highly qualified Health and Safety professionals have a deep understanding of design processes, technical drawings, and regulatory requirements. By thoroughly reviewing RAMS and challenging unclear safety measures, Vextrix upheld the highest standards of safety for all workers involved in the project. Safety and regulatory compliance were central to their approach, ensuring the project met its objectives while protecting everyone on site. 

Contact Us

Martyna Szypowicz BSc (Hons) MSc CertIOSH IMaPS

Director - Principal Designer and Compliance Services